The Dandelion Patch was authored by Ashley B. Waifu, a lady born in the 90's who grew up reading Sunday Comics and playing Super Nintendo games (as well as like, going outside and swinging tree branches around- normal kid shit, you know). From a young age, she had ambitions of telling stories and making up games, and sometime in the late 90's, discovered her love of computers to do just that. Throughout her teenage years, she spent a lot of time on her parent's desktop learning to make really shitty Megaman fangames using Corel Click and Create (now known as Multimedia Fusion) and working on her first pirate themed webcomic in Macromedia Flash (now known as nothing because Flash was killed in 2020).
When she was about 15, Ashley started learning to draw animal people, and this inevitably led to the creation of Katrina Lynn, her friends, and the city of Foefurr. While not a continuously active project, predecessors to the work that would eventually become The Dandelion Patch would make their way onto the pages of her drawing books and computer screens. From 200 page thumbnail comics to a barely functional game engine test, Ashley would attempt to create a work that told a story with these characters that she could be happy with sticking to for years. In May of 2017, she would finally create just that.
The Dandelion Patch is a multimedia comic experience started in May of 2017. It is the most recent actualization of a story that has been drafted and iterated on since as far back as 2005. It features animated images, music and voice acting, and interactive games and visual novels and details the exploits of a woman struggling to find her place in the world as her and her friends blossom into their fully realized adulthoods. It updates literally whenever it updates because no one is paying the author to do this at any pace but her own!