The Dandelion Patch details the daily happenings of Katrina Lynn, a young woman who is trying to get her start in life while working part time in the city of Foefurr. One day, she starts experiencing strange hallucinations, terrifying omens, visions of other people's memories, and sprawling otherworldly expanses. With the help of her friends, Katrina hopes to discover the reason she is enduring these tribulations. Is she losing her mind? Or is this vision quest calling her to something incredible?

This is a multimedia comic which uses sequential art, text conversation, voice acting, and sometimes even interactive bits to tell its story. If you would like to explore the website on your own, I would encourage you to look around. However, a good place to start would be reading the comic from Chapter 0, which you can check out here:

Additionally, if you enjoy the work, please consider supporting me through Ko-Fi! Anything to help offset website costs allows me to keep this stuff up indefinitely for your enjoyment!

For more projects and other junk I made, consider checking out my personal website,!

As always, thank you so much for reading, and I'm always dying to know what you all think (or if you found a spelling error!), so send me an email!