Hello- Delilah!

Not many words for today. I'm excited to finally show the first sight of Delilah for today's update! Moreover it's nice to get to write dialogue for Kat that's a bit more charged and enthusiastic (even if it's just out of that good 'awooga' energy. They seem cute together. I can't wait to do more between them. Check it out here- and remember, it's two pages.

New pages!

This update is a little more work than I usually end up doing. On average, I draw 3-4 panels per week, but for reasons that this scene was kind of too long to contain in one page and too short to be split into two agonizing updates, I just pulled a little extra drawing work to make today's update. Please check it out here! Also keep well in mind there's arleady a next button for this one. This is not a mistake. I broke this update into two html pages because pacing demanded it.

I probably would have had this done yesterday, but you know I got really invested back into rhythm games, and even ended up hacking together a controller with which I could play Popn' Music comfortably with. Unfortunately, you die hard Dandepatch fans have to compete with whatever capricious project I get caught up with in between drawing this comic! If I ever feel the need to have a personal page, I will definitely post pictures of this monstrosity I've created.

Could this be a regular thing!?

I will probably get over the fact that I am updating in a more regular fashion, but after such a dry spell, I think I am allowed to be excited to be plugging away at Dandepatch again! Anyway, I don't think there's a huge amount for an update today, so I do wonder if I should do these regular chunks of updates or try to save updates for when I have more complete scenes done. This feels like a nice way to keep regular, but it does leave an occasional 'half-conversation update.' If you know how to get in touch with me to let me know about that, feel free to voice your opinion.

Here is today's page! I'm happy to bring back Jasmine into the new Act 3 style, as she'll probably be one of the few main characters to immediately show their new look! It would be the first time I am formally drawing her into the comic since 2019 when I drew chapter 14! Phew, it's- uh- 2025 now, huh? Oh! I nearly forgot! This update features a fun little thing I coded into the stylesheet for the new style! These reaction heads that you are seeing next to certain lines are my way of trying to produce a balance of 'not just making a bunch of reaction shots when it felt needed for the tone of the conversation'. I need to be real here: I have very little free time, and I am innovating on ways I can not have to draw an entire panel just to express Katrina going 'heh!' These little heads give some emotional flexibility in a scene, while saving me time and effort. Plus they're really cute, and I look forward to a day where I have a folder absolutely stuffed with shitty Dandelion Patch emojis!

A Modest Update.

I have much less to say in today's update! It hasn't been a month or more (four years) since the last one! This is so foreign to me! As I said before, I was going to start updating a page at a time. It affords me much more reasonable benchmarks to work with and a much more realistic schedule to have updates. Today's isn't anything too exciting, and our new format may have some flaws in that it occasionally hints at some glacial ass pacing, but while I'm getting used to the new format, this is just how it's going to be. I think more eventful updates are coming along- or at least eventful in that the conversations are going to stop being as expository once I start showing my hand with what this new act is all about. For now, let's just enjoy the slow pace, and if you hate coming week after week for smaller updates... just come back in like a month? It'll be like I was on the old schedule!

Oh, and check out the new page here!

Act 3 Opens and Chapter 16 begins!

Finally delivering on this one! I am so thrilled and pleased to open up Act 3 of The Dandelion Patch with Virtual Patch: Calling In Between! This was a seriously monumental amount of work to arrange, as not only did I have to spend my time producing the interactive bit, but I wanted to have the infrastructure for the rest of the comic ready to go to bridge the transition that Deep Breath (the end of Act 2) started. I love this new era of The Dandelion Patch so much, because it has largely made the process of creating it fun again. Something about the way I keep finding ways to push my limits and challenge myself to find new uses for the limited tools I have to produce this work.
Additionally, the intro to Chapter 16 is up, and will inform a projected cantor of updates for the comic! I wanted to have a method of breaking the work into little pieces so I could drop updates more frequently. Moreso to keep my own interest in working on this comic more healthy than sprinting to do these huge 20 page updates. Though it is a sad sight to see me have to be more choosy on what panels I draw in the interest of time and effort, I hope to make up for that by getting to work a lot harder on individual panels as well as getting to spend a lot more time honing the writing and dialogue through more dedicated prose.
I'm not really sure where this goes in the long run, but I am really excited about what's to come. I hope you enjoy reading it, because I am really enjoying the making of it, for now!

Character Corkboard Added!

This marks a weirdly large update! While my free time has waned greatly in the last month, I was really hard at work ironing out this very special feature for the site. Please welcome the opening of the mysterious Character Corkboard! I wasn't thrilled with the old character bio page I had. It worked and provided a tepid overview of a good amount of characters, but it was really representative of a different direction the comic went in. Rather than spend the time rehashing old bios to be a little more current, I decided to implement this neat little interface where you get a more intriguing and cryptic version of character profiles. I don't want to say too much on it, but just understand that this single page is a huge addition to the comic in so many ways and largely sets the tone and pace for how I'm going to move forward on The Dandelion Patch. This is additionally just something you'll have to see later to get what I really mean by this, sorry!

Starting Act 3 is my next big priority, but nothing in this comic is going to come easy from here on in, so do be patient with me while I slowly get things together in the little free time I have anymore!

About Me Page Added!

There isn't much to report on today. After the marathon of making Chapter 15, I had to enjoy the burnout period and rest my hands. All the while I've been doing little pokes and plans at what's coming next, but I could not get myself to execute anything in the last few weeks. The biggest project coming now is a character bio page that goes really above the call of the old one. I'm really excited to deliver it, but it's going to require a lot more proofreading! Until then, I did fill out an About Me page! I had always hesitated on doing one of these. First because I was always kind of hesitant to talk about myself online, but also just because it didn't feel like it worked well on a website where literally everything is eventually going to be designed to be plot relevant in some way. Time and wisdom have sort of let me say 'eh who cares I want to write a funny thing about my history of making things!' Please allow me my vanity, good reader.

We finally made it!

As I have hinted at, Chapter 15: Despair & Descent is finally here! I hammered at this chapter for months to get it looking exactly how I wanted it to. It represents the potential of the format the last 14 chapters of The Dandelion Patch has had tucked away inside of it. For a long time, I was very interested in this scrolling webtoon style for the comic, and I knew it allowed me a lot of artistic freedoms that traditional pages wouldn't have. I think this ground up against a desire to be space efficient for a long time, and I think a lot of readability ends up being sacrificed because of a misunderstanding of what having a comic online offers in terms of presentation. Chapter 15 shows off what I think is the best I can manage in expressing the raw spectacle this format can provide, and I am VERY proud of how it turned out.

This chapter also home to a short little visual novel bit, and I don't want to give away a lot, but I think it too represents a nice reprisal to the Virtual Patch games that really pushes those features to their breaking point (literally. It took two weeks to get any of this to function properly!)

The comic is going to probably take a little break while I recover from the amount of work setting this up on my personal time, but also while I try to envision what's next for the comic. I'm not sure I can top Chapter 15 without doing something very different, and I am going to try and see if I can find a new way forward without changing things up too much!

Don't worry, this will not be a 4-year break again! While I am mulling things over, I will be doing some work on the website, adding more side/supplimental content to try and make the site even more fun to explore. In addition, I have also moved the Virtual Patch games to the comics page, instead of being on the Extras page. I think these interactive games are essential to the work, and they absolutely belong as a part of the comic. I need to do a little tweaking to understanding how exactly I plan to implement that, so bear with me while I do this tidying up.
Anyway, you can read Chapter 15 by clicking here!

Please welcome the update log.

In the interest of making the front page a little more presentable, I've decided to place my ramblings on updates in a tucked away page. There are some changes coming to the website which will hopefully make it a little more pretty to explore, as well as being more friendly to archiving older art assets for being viewable again. This includes old banner images and maybe a few more 'about' sections.
Frankly, the 7 year existence of this website has a lot of its other sections feeling sparse, so I thought it might be nice to add more extra features.
Anyway, I finished a phone chapter hot off the heels of Chapter 14. I am very much enjoying the new method of creating these through HTML exclusively, which allows me to do a lot more editing on the fly, as well as not needing to drive myself nuts fiddling with a psd file full of premade bubbles to fit certain lengths of messages. Painstaking bullshit.
Chapter 15 is also just around the corner, and with its completion, Act 2 will be complete! Should I not tell you guys that? Should it be a surprise? Let's say it's a "finale special" so I can pretend it's exciting!
Anyway, you can read Chapter 14.5 by clicking here!