Hey, Kat. I know you've made up your mind.
I think it's a dangerous idea, and that you should probably wait until you're mentally in a better place.
However, I also know you're unlikely to listen to any of my appeals to reason, either.
bingo, boxy
Right. Regardless, I've come to tell you that I respect your right to make a choice on this, even if I don't agree with it.
You deserve at least that.
i appreciate that.
If something terrible happens from all of this, I wanted to at least tell you that I am happy that we got to meet. It was very nice having you as company, and I'm happy I followed the whims of my vision quest to contact you.
I sincerely hope no matter what you do, you find the peace that you're looking for.
thanks for saying all that. of all the people who contacted me through here, you were the most pleasant to talk to, even if i was kind of a bitch to you.
Come again? I couldn't read that.
huh? i just said you are .
My goodness! You bloody boxed me again!
i boxed myself!
what does this mean!?
I'm sorry, but for once, I'm at a loss!
oh gawd, i've become what i hate most- a stupid internet ghost!